
Here we will post regular updates following the construction work that will be taking place over the coming months and years. If you have an update to share with us and would like to have it featured on the site, you can send us a message via our Community page.

Car Park Relocation


Following the closure of the main car park at the front entrance, a new car park has been opened at the West entrance to the site. This can be accessed by turning left on the A89 before the original entrance, just past the BP filling station.

Work Commences at Site Entrance


Following a short break over the New Year, work has started up once again. The main entrance to the site that will be familiar to many regular visitors has been closed off so that work can begin on the new and improved entranceway.  This may signal the beginning of work on the new roundabout on the A89 that will eventually allow easy access to residents.

Demolition Begins


Demolition has commenced at Bangour Village Hospital as of the beginning of November. Signs are now on display at the entrance to the site warning visitors not to approach any of the fenced-off areas or buildings due to a risk of injury. The laundry buildings to the rear of the shop have been the first of many buildings to be demolished, although it is likely that work will pause for the winter months and resume next Spring.